Influences of Advancement in Technology: Telephone

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The advancement of the sending messages has changed the world. It's funny how communication started with the train and soon led to the smartphones we hold in our hands today. Back in the day the only form of getting information from one part of the country to the other started with transportation. The train would allow people to verbally communicate and deliver physical messages that would say what was happening and all the news by traveling from place to place. Soon after the Pony Express was another way for information to travel. In the late 1800s pony riders created a Saddlebag specifically designed to carry physical messages. Surprisingly enough, the Pony Express was a fast form of getting messages across, because it could take a single rider to ride 380 miles in two days. Unfortunately, this success didn’t last very long due to the invention of the Telegraph. A telegraph is a way to send messages through a wire that creates signals by breaking electrical connections usually in the form of Morse code. The Morse code is still used today in emergency situations, ships still use them and more. But the Morse code usage died down when the telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. The telephone is constructed by two basic parts: transmitter and receiver. The transmitter is the piece where you talk into the phone and then the transmitter transmits what you say into the phone, so the other person can hear it. While the receiver is the receiving end of the transmitted information. The revolutionary part of this invention is that it’s not one sided like Morse code or the pony express, you can continuously speak to the other person and communicate freely and that is the fasts form of communication thus far in history. Radio came next, this is a very important part of communication because it’s one person telling everyone all the news and information. And soon after came the television which can visually as well as verbally tell all information and keep the world updated with what is happening all at once. I believe that the evolution of communication in the world impacts our lives today, we are all able to know what is happening in every corner in the world and constantly in communication with other despite the distance. I believe that these inventions could influence another era of epic inventions in many ways. For example the television could inspire an invention that would allow us to smell the food on our screen in every television aside from 4D theatres along with how it could inspire cell phones to have holograms coming from the phones themselves. Whatever the evolution does inspire, I am positive that it will change our livs just as much as each of these old inventions did as well.


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